District Sweeping and Striping Work the Morning of Tuesday 3/14

Rocky Mountan Sweeping and Striping will be working in the District the morning of Tuesday 3/14. This "spring cleaning" and maintenance work on the District's temporary parking areas and permanent alleys will improve access, safety, and aesthetics. Please see the additional details below and contact the District if you have any questions or concerns.
- Lowell Village Townhomes' Residents and/or Property Managers: The alley behind the Phase 1 four-plex will be swept from approximately 9:30 am to 10:00 am on Tuesday 3/14. On Monday evening, please remove all trash/recycling bins out of the alley. The bins can be placed back into alley anytime after Tuesday noon for the regular Wednesday morning garbage/recycling pick up by Republic Services.
- Lowell School Tenants and Visitors: The temporary asphalt parking area just north of the school will be closed from approximately 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Tuesday 3/14. The asphalt will be swept and then striped to create a "no parking" drive aisle. This drive aisle will ensure that: a) no one using the temp asphalt parking area will be "blocked in" by other parked cars and b) access for delivery and waste management trucks is maintained. The sweeping and striping work should be completed by 11:00 am, but then the striping paint needs to dry for several hours before it can be driven over. On Tuesday until 3:00 pm, please park only in: a) the gravel areas within the District or b) the many empty curb parking spaces on the City streets surrounding the District.
Posted to Community Updates on 3/8/23