Community Discounts
Below is the current list of businesses offering discounts to the Lowell Village commununity.
Check back regularly for new discounts. Small business owners: please get in touch if you'd like to offer a discount!
Thank you for supporting small businesses in the neighborhood!
ArtLight Therapy & Studios
ArtLight Therapy and Studios is a professional counseling practice and art therapy/education studio. ArtLight Therapy & Studios offers the following discounts for the Lowell Village community:
- 10% off "Open Studio" sessions and workshops.
- 15% off original artwork or prints.
- To get this discount, just mention “Lowell Village” at time of purchase.
For more info and to get the latest updates, follow ArtLight on FaceBook.
Gemini Beer Co. Taproom
Award-winning craft brewer Gemini Beer Company is the most recent small, local business to join the Lowell School community. Gemini offers the following discounts for the Lowell Village community:
- 10% off all beverage purchases.
- This discount includes all draft pours enjoyed on-site and all 6-packs or bottles ordered to go.
- To get this discount, just mention “Lowell Village” to your beer-tender when ordering.
For current hours of operation, seasonal taps, and rotating food truck options follow Gemini on FaceBook.
Grand Mesa Wellness
Lowell School - Classroom #3
The good people at Grand Mesa Wellness operate an amazing wellness studio inside the Lowell School, where they offer health and nutrition coaching to individuals in one-on-one sessions and in small group classes. Grand Mesa Wellness offers the following discounts for the Lowell Village community:
- One free 60-minute fitness consultation session.
- One free 60-miniute health coaching session.
- Additional discounts after the above free sessions: 50% off a 4-pack of personal training sessions ($100 total, regularly $200) or 4-pack of health coaching sessions ($140 total, regularly $280).
- To get this discount, just mention “Lowell Village” when you book a session.