District Disposal of Surplus Property: Five 32-Gallon Toters

The District has 5 “toters” that have been declared surplus property. The District has a fiduciary duty to its taxpayers to attempt to generate revenue (no matter how small) from the disposition of surplus property. For this reason the District is now offering these toters for sale.
More details on the surplus property being disposed of:
- The District purchased all 5 toters in July 2020.
- The toters were only used for residential trash and recycling collection.
- All toters are and in good working order (no missing or broken parts) and "like new" condition (just some minor scuffs and scratches).
- The toters have a capacity of 32 gallons and maximum load of 112 pounds.
- The exact same toters currently retail new for $65 at Lowes (https://www.lowes.com/pd/Toter-Trash-Can-32-Gallon-Greenstone-Plastic-Wheeled-Trash-Can-with-Lid/50385698).
- The District is selling the toters "as is" with no warranty and no returns/refunds.
If you or someon in your network (an individual, business, or non-profit) is interested in purchasing one or more of these toters, please email the District at: info@LowellMetro.net. Please include in your email the number of toters you'd like to purchase and an offer price.
The District will accept the best offer recieved by Friday 9/30 at 5pm Mountain. Any toters that the District can't sell will be donated to a local non-profit that can put them to good use.
Posted to Community Updates on 9/24/22.