FREE Community Concert: The Grand Junction Centennial Band

What: FREE Community Concert - The Grand Junction Centennial Band
Where: The Lowell Village Commons (front lawn of The Historic Lowell School Building), 310 N. 7th St., Downtown Grand Junction, CO 81501
When: Thursday 7/13, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Details: The Grand Junction Centennial Band will perform on the Lowell Village Commons (the lawn in front of the Lowell School, or "Old R-5 High). This concert is part of the "Music on the Commons" summer concert series, featuring both local and out-of-town performers. All concerts will be FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Please bring a lawn chair, camp chair, or blanket for seating, or just sit on the cool, green grass of the Commons. Come on out to enjoy some live, free music this summer in the heart of downtown!
Hosts: Hosted by The Grand Junction Centennial Band. For more info, contact event organizer Shawn Cwalinskli via email or phone at (970) 434-8526.
Sponsors: In-kind support provided by REgeneration Development and the Lowell Village Metro District.
There's always something new happening in the Lowell Village Metro District! For additional events inside the historic Lowell School or out on the Lowell Village Commons (public open space in front of the school), check out the Metro District's Community Calendar.